Minerva Park Mayor’s Court

Criminal Cases And DUI / OVI Cases In The Minerva Park Mayor’s Court
Before you hire a criminal defense lawyer for a criminal case or DUI / OVI charge in the Minerva Park Mayor’s Court, you should learn about the court. This page is a good place to start. It has the court’s contact information, the types of cases heard there, and the personnel in that court. There is also very important information about transferring your case to another court.

After you learn about the court, you should research your offense(s), the potential penalties, and the possible defense strategies. There are many pages on this website which discuss those issues. You should also educate yourself about attorneys because you would probably benefit by hiring a good one, and they are not all the same.

Get the Information You Need
Address: 2829 Minerva Lake Road, Columbus, OH 43231
Phone: 614-882-1408
Website: Minerva Park Mayor’s Court

The court is located at the Minerva Park Community Building, and the doors of the building open at 8:00 am. The court dates vary, but they generally hold court twice a month on Wednesdays.

The Types Of Cases Heard In This Court
The Minerva Park Mayor’s Court hears cases involving violations of the village laws, as well as cases in which the alleged illegal conduct occurred within the village. Some of the case types commonly heard include:

• Assault
• Domestic Violence
• Drug crimes
• Shoplifting
• Underage Drinking

In addition to those types of cases, the court also handles traffic violations and parking violations that occur inside the village boundaries. In some cases, it might be easier on to simply pay the ticket. If you choose to pay your ticket rather than go to court, you can pay at the Community Building Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to noon.

Court Personnel At The Minerva Park Mayor’s Court
The Clerk of Courts handles all of the documents that go through the court and maintains them all in case files. The village Law Director is responsible for prosecuting all cases that come before the court and designates lawyers to act as the prosecutors for the court. The court is either conducted by the mayor or a magistrate appointed by the mayor. The magistrate has the same duties and powers as the mayor when conducting cases. When you attend court, you should treat the mayor or magistrate with the same respect you would show a judge. The mayor or magistrate will be the judicial officer entering judgment in your case, deciding whether you are guilty if you have a trial, and determining your sentence if you are found guilty.

Transferring Your Case Out Of This Court
One feature of the Minerva Park Mayor’s Court is that it is not a court of record. You have the right to have your case in a court of record, so you are able to transfer your case to a municipal court if you choose. In addition, if you go through the mayor’s court process and receive a conviction, you have the right to appeal your case to a municipal court. For this particular court, when you transfer or appeal the case, it will be moved to the Franklin County Municipal Court. You probably do not want to transfer your case before you give it serious thought, and you may want to speak with an attorney to help you determine if transferring the case is a good strategy.

Law Firm For Cases In The Minerva Park Mayor’s Court
Whenever you hire an attorney, you want someone who has the experience you need and someone who can give your case the full attention it deserves. The Dominy Law Firm has experience: practicing criminal defense since 1997. The attorneys practice in the Minerva Park Mayor’s Court, and we only represent a small number of clients so we can give each client personalized service. You can find out more about our firm in the About Us section of this site. You can also check out testimonials from other clients, and case results from previous cases to give you a better feel for our firm’s performance. If you would like to discuss representation for your case, you can either complete a CONTACT FORM or call 614-717-1177 to schedule a free phone consultation.

Free E-Book About Ohio DUI/OVI

Ohio DUI/OVI Guide - What You Need to Know Before Going to Court and Before Hiring a Lawyer for DUI/OVI in Ohio.

Client Reviews

Shawn is a wonderful person and an elite attorney. Being represented by him gives you complete peace of mind knowing you are in good hands, with...


Shawn Dominy quickly displayed his expertise in defending OVI cases at a level that made me immediately comfortable in my decision to...


I was looking at a Physical control OVI charge. License suspension, 3 day class, all that. Shawn got it reduced to persistent disorderly conduct. I paid a fine, saw...


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