Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court

Criminal Cases In Shawnee Hills
Any cases which would have been filed in the Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court are now being filed in the Delaware Municipal Court. This page is provided for historical informational purposes only.

The Dominy Law Firm represented clients in the Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court for criminal offenses and DUI / OVI offenses. For people who had to go to Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court, it was important to learn about the court and the court process before the first court appearance. This page will help you do that. Also helpful would be reviewing the information on the court’s website.

In addition to learning about the court, it would also be good to educate yourself about the charge(s) in your case and the penalties that may be imposed for those charges. By educating yourself about these issues, you can get a better grasp of what will happen with your case, and you can alleviate some of your stress. Another good way to eliminate some of that stress is to hire an attorney. Before you choose an attorney, make sure you put effort into vetting criminal defense lawyers to make a good choice.

How to Learn More about the Court
Address: Shawnee Hills Municipal Building, 9484 Dublin Rd., Shawnee Hills, OH 43065
Phone: 614-889-2824
Website: Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court

Types of Cases Heard In The Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court
The court had jurisdiction to hear misdemeanor cases that take place in the village of Shawnee Hills, and those cases usually involve a violation of the village ordinances. The types of cases that went through the court can vary, but some of the typical ones included:

• Assault
• Domestic Violence
• Drug crimes
• Shoplifting
• Underage Drinking

Personnel In The Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court
The mayor of Shawnee Hills also had the role of judicial officer, but the mayor typically appointed a magistrate to preside in the mayor’s court. The magistrate is essentially the same as a judge in that the magistrate decides legal issues and determines what sentence to impose. The prosecution was carried-out by a private lawyer or law firm with a contract to act as the prosecutor for the village. The records for the court are maintained by the Clerk of Court office.

Case Process in the Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court
In some cases, such as with minor traffic tickets, you can simply pay your fine if you feel that is the best option (although that is the same as a guilty plea). You could drop off your payments at the above address. If you prefer to enter a not guilty plea, or if your ticket/complaint says an appearance is required, hearings were held two times each month on every other Wednesday. You would to court for the arraignment (the first court appearance) on the date listed on your ticket or complaint. Pleading not guilty often leads to a plea agreement that improves the outcome of the case. The outcome of any case is likely to be improved more with a skilled lawyer representing you.

Transferring Your Case from Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court
You have the right to transfer your case from the mayor’s court to a municipal court if you prefer. You also have the right to appeal the case (within ten days of the sentencing in the mayor’s court). In some cases, it might be in your best interest to do this, but it is always advisable to speak with an attorney first. If you transferred or appealed your case, it would go from the mayor’s court to the Delaware County Municipal Court.

Get In Touch With An Attorney
The Dominy Law Firm has years of experience in criminal defense and DUI / OVI defense, and we represented clients with cases in the Shawnee Hills Mayor’s Court. We keep the number of cases we take-on to a minimum so we can give you the very best possible service. You can see this in our past case results and in the reviews from our clients. Our fees are on the high end of the scale, but the initial phone consultation is free. You can schedule your free phone consultation by calling 614-717-1177 or by submitting a CONTACT FORM.

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Ohio DUI/OVI Guide - What You Need to Know Before Going to Court and Before Hiring a Lawyer for DUI/OVI in Ohio.

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