Columbus, Ohio Law Firm, DUI/OVI Defense and Criminal Defense

A Proven Record of Favorable Results and Satisfied Clients

Who We Are

We are Columbus, Ohio DUI lawyers and Columbus, Ohio criminal defense attorneys serving clients in the central Ohio area. We only practice criminal defense (including OVI / DUI, serious vehicular crimes, and record expungement/sealing) , we only practice in Columbus and central Ohio, and we only accept a limited number of clients.

Before You Hire Any Attorney...

Before you speak to any lawyer, the best thing you can do is educate yourself about your situation and about attorneys. Not every client or situation is the same, and not every attorney is the same.

This site has information that will help you learn about DUI / OVI cases and criminal cases in Columbus and Central Ohio. It also has information about the Dominy Law Firm.

Reading through the information on this website will help you make informed decisions.

Client Reviews

Shawn is a wonderful person and an elite attorney. Being represented by him gives you complete peace of mind knowing you are in good hands, with...


Shawn Dominy quickly displayed his expertise in defending OVI cases at a level that made me immediately comfortable in my decision to...


I was looking at a Physical control OVI charge. License suspension, 3 day class, all that. Shawn got it reduced to persistent disorderly conduct. I paid a fine, saw...


Personal Service When Results Matter

Recent Case Results

Not Guilty Verdict In DUI/OVI Trial With Breath AND Urine Tests

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Fill out the contact form or call us at (614) 717-1177 to schedule your free consultation.

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