OVI / DUI Lawyer for Upper Sandusky, Ohio

DUI / OVI In Upper Sandusky, Ohio
The Dominy Law Firm practices DUI defense (called ‘OVI’ defense in Ohio) in Upper Sandusky. Upper Sandusky is patrolled by the Upper Sandusky Police Department, the Wyandot County Sheriff’s Office, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol. When one of those law enforcement agencies charges a driver with OVI, the case is filed with the Upper Sandusky Municipal Court.

Before going to court for an OVI in Upper Sandusky, it would be wise to learn about OVI cases. You should have an understanding of OVI charges and the evidence used to prove those charges. Those issues are discussed on this page. Additional OVI issues are explained in the OVI section of this site and in the Ohio DUI/OVI Guide, which you can download for free.

Charged with DUI / OVI in Upper Sandusky, Ohio-Now What?!

OVI Charges in Upper Sandusky
There are two main types of OVI charges. The first type is called OVI ‘Impaired’. Ohio law makes it illegal to operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, and being ‘under the influence’ means the alcohol and/or drugs impaired your ability to operate the vehicle.

The second type is called OVI ‘Per Se’. Ohio law makes it illegal to operate a vehicle with a prohibited level of alcohol and/or drugs in your system. For example, the prohibited level of alcohol is .080 grams per milliliter of blood. This charge is not related to your ability to drive: it is ‘per se’ (by itself) illegal to drive ‘over the limit’.

OVI Evidence in Upper Sandusky
For the charge of OVI ‘Impaired’, the prosecution introduces evidence to prove alcohol and/or drugs impaired your driving. Typically, that evidence includes testimony of law enforcement witnesses and civilian witnesses, as well as audio-video evidence such as cruiser dash camera recordings and body-worn camera recordings. You have a right to challenge that evidence and introduce evidence of your own.

For the charge of OVI ‘per se’, the prosecution introduces evidence to prove there was a prohibited level of alcohol and/or drugs in your body at the time you operated the vehicle. That evidence includes testimony from the person who collected of a sample of your blood/breath/urine and testimony from the person who tested the sample. You have the right to challenge this evidence.

Challenging OVI Evidence in Upper Sandusky
The vast majority of people charged with OVI plead guilty without challenging the evidence, or even reviewing the evidence. Without reviewing the evidence, and determining what evidence is admissible in court, you cannot fully evaluate the case and decide how to proceed. You have the right to review the prosecution’s evidence, challenge that evidence, and introduce your own evidence. By pleading Not Guilty, you avail yourself of those Constitutional rights.

Challenging the OVI case often leads to a better case result. If you plead guilty, the result will definitely be an OVI conviction on your record forever. If you plead Not Guilty and contest the case, you have the opportunity to avoid an OVI conviction. This does not mean every person charged with OVI should contest the case, but every person desiring to avoid an OVI conviction should consider it.

Lawyers For Upper Sandusky OVI Cases
The likelihood of a better result increases when the case is challenged by an effective lawyer. The lawyers at the Dominy Law Firm effectively contest OVI cases. Our lawyers have been through law enforcement training for DUI detection and field sobriety testing, and they have participated in programs for breath/blood/urine testing. That training is combined with experience challenging hundreds of OVI cases. If you intend to contest your OVI case in Upper Sandusky and would like to discuss representation, you can schedule a free phone consultation by submitting a CONTACT FORM or by calling 614-717-1177.

Free E-Book About Ohio DUI/OVI

Ohio DUI/OVI Guide - What You Need to Know Before Going to Court and Before Hiring a Lawyer for DUI/OVI in Ohio.

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