DUI / OVI In Columbus, Ohio The Dominy Law Firm is located in Columbus, Ohio and regularly represents clients for OVI / DUI in Columbus and Franklin County. If you were charged with DUI/OVI in Columbus or Franklin County, you probably have many questions. When will I be able to drive again? What is going to happen in court? Should I plead guilty to DUI/OVI, or should I plead not guilty?
If you are asking these questions, you have come to the right place. The Dominy Law Firm emphasizes the value of educating yourself about your situation. This website has dozens of pages of information applicable to DUI / OVI cases in Columbus, Ohio. This website also has a free e-book which you can instantly download to get many of your questions answered in one place. The paperback version of the book is for sale in online bookstores, and you can download the e-book for free here.
The Columbus, Ohio area sees a high number of DUI/OVI cases (over 6,000 per year). There are several different law enforcement agencies which patrol the Columbus area, including the Columbus Division of Police, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, and police departments of various municipalities around Columbus. Many of the DUI/OVI cases in the Columbus area are filed in the Franklin County Municipal Court, while others are filed in surrounding courts of central Ohio.
The Administrative License Suspension If you’re asking when you can drive again, that must be because you were placed under an Administrative License Suspension (ALS). An ALS is imposed in two situations: (1) if you refuse a breath/blood/urine test; or (2) if you take a breath/blood urine test and the result is ‘over the limit’. The length of the ALS, and the waiting period for driving privileges, depend on whether you refused the test or tested ‘over the limit’, as well as whether you have prior OVI convictions and/or test refusals in the past ten years. There is a chart summarizing the ALS lengths, and driving privileges waiting periods, on the ALS page of this website.
There are two ways to challenge the Administrative License Suspension. First, you can file an ALS appeal. Second, you can file a motion to terminate the ALS. While the two methods sound similar, they are distinct, so it’s important two contest the ALS in both ways. As the court is unlikely to hold a full ALS hearing at the first court appearance, you can also file a motion for a ‘stay’ of the ALS. If the stay is granted, your driver license is returned, and you can drive without restriction until there is a full ALS hearing.
The Court Process For DUI/OVI Cases In The Columbus, Ohio Area Wherever you go to court, the process is essentially the same. At the first court appearance, the arraignment, you will be asked to enter a plea: guilty, no contest, or not guilty. At the arraignment, you can also challenge the Administrative License Suspension and seek a stay of the ALS. After the arraignment, there will be a pretrial hearing: an opportunity to discuss the case with the prosecuting attorney and negotiate and agreed resolution. If the case is not finished at the pretrial hearing, there may be a motion hearing for the Court to decide what evidence is admissible. If an agreement ultimately is not reached, there is a trial for a jury or judge to decide whether your guilt is proven. If you are found guilty, or if you plead guilty, there will be a sentence hearing for the judge to determine the sentence.
Before you go to that first court appearance, you will need to make some decisions. Are you going to plead guilty, or are you going to fight the OVI? Are you going to hire an attorney? Which attorney should you hire? To make those decisions, you need information. The pages of this website, and the downloadable e-book will provide that information.
Law Firm For Columbus, Ohio DUI / OVI Cases It may be helpful to speak with an attorney to talk through the issues and make decisions. Not all attorneys, however, have the same level of expertise and experience with DUI/OVI matters. Some attorneys practice several areas of law, while others focus primarily on DUI/OVI defense.
The Dominy Law Firm is focused on DUI/OVI defense. Our lawyers have extensive training in DUI/OVI issues and regularly contest OVI/DUI charges in Columbus and Franklin County. For more information the firm, please see the About Us page. You can also read reviews from previous clients and results from previous cases. If you have an OVI / DUI case in Columbus or Franklin County and would like to schedule a free consultation, please complete this CONTACT FORM or call (614) 717-1177.
Shawn is a wonderful person and an elite attorney. Being represented by him gives you complete peace of mind knowing you are in good hands, with...
Shawn Dominy quickly displayed his expertise in defending OVI cases at a level that made me immediately comfortable in my decision to...
I was looking at a Physical control OVI charge. License suspension, 3 day class, all that. Shawn got it reduced to persistent disorderly conduct. I paid a fine, saw...